A McCartney rep has denied the wedding gossip. It was a cozy Route 66 drive across the U.S. last summer that sealed his relationship with Nancy.
While Groucho Marx noted that love flies out the door when money flies innuendo, unlike the case with Heather Mills, no one's going to be able to hurl any gold-digger dirt at the late-fortysomething Nancy Shevell.
Shevell's life story can be best summed up with her own theme song: "Keep On Truckin.'"
She has spent the last 25 years working for her father's New Jersey-based New England Motor Freight Company. Back in the 1980sthis company was investigated by the federal government for possible ties to organized crime, but never officially put on trial. Shevell has since 2001 been a member of the board of New York State's Metropolitan Transportation Authority. This position she was appointed to by former New York Governor George Pataki, who to appoint Shevell's former and newly divorced husband, Republican lawyer Robert Blakeman, to a high transportation-related position with the state.
If Shevell needs a wedding dress, she'll need look no further than her future stepdaughter, Stella McCartney. The 2nd-oldest child of Paul, Stella is a successful fashion designer, and has made high-profile wedding gowns for a number of celebs, including Madonna and Scarlett Johannson...