Book NeoPopRealism Starz: 21st Century ART, 2nd Volume, Erotica As a High Artistic Aspiration by Nadia Russ is a comprehensive source of information about erotic art (not to be confused with porn or sex). It includes many important facts on erotic art from the Medieval Period, Middle Ages and Renaissance, and includes over 82 contemporary, erotica related artwork with artists' thought about images they created.
This book is an important contribution to the international library of knowledge about erotic art, it is the sophisticated and personal look at this controvercial subject, offered by contemporary artists Nadia Russ, whose over 200 art works are in the permanent collection of Kinsey Institute, Indiana University.
Reader will enjoy the wonderful quality color images of art works from over 25 contemporary artists from all over the world: Jacob El Hanahi, Sigmund Abeles, Paolo Scalera, R. Gopakumar, Joseph Borzotta, Charles Seligman ll, Milan Kuzica, Gilberto Giardini (Germany) and others.
Also, readers will find in the foreword such unknown till today fact as... Nadia Russ was raped by Russian Congressman Sergei Lushchikov, who had visited her when she was preparing an interview with this politician for the "Russian Justice" magazine in Moscow. Few months later, Lushchikov took position of the Minister of Justice in Russia.
Fragment from the book "Glastnost in Jeopardy: Human Rights in the USSR," Helsinki Watch Report:
“On January 16, 1991, the new Soviet Minister of Justice, Sergei Lushchikov, divulged what had hitherto been a state secret: statistics on death sentences. Lushchikov gave this five-year breakdown on imposition of the death penalty: 1985 - 770, including 20 pardons; 1986 - 526, with 41 pardons, and 1987- 344, with 47 pardons. Lushchikov said most death sentences had been imposed for rape and premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances.”
Currently, Lushchikov is the Adviser of the President on legal questions in Federal Notarial Chamber of the Russian Federation, professor, and also the Member of the Moscow Regional Branch of Association of Lawyers of Russia.
Book by Nadia Russ "NeoPopRealism Starz; 21st Century Art", 2nd Volume published 15 of March, 2010 in English in the U.S. and is available in stores online, including and, ISNB: 9781450049955. Also, 1st Volume is available in the same stores - ISBN: 9781441570857.
Недавно в США был изданa книга, в которой в прошлом российская художница Надя Рyсс (в прошлом Надежда Малолетнева) изложила факты своей биографии. Читатель ознакомится с таким неизвестным широкой публике фактом из ее биографии, как... она была изнасилована Депутатом Верховного Совета (в последствии он же был назначен Министром Юстиции) Сергеем Лущиковым, который посетил Надю в ее Московской квартире, когда она готовила интервью с ним для журнала «Российкая Юстиция“…
Эта книга издана 15 марта 2010 года на английском языке и продается в книжных магазинах онлайн по всему миру - на www. и .
Также эта книга содержит Нади Рyсс художественные работы и художественные работы нескольких других художников. ISNB: 9781450049955, название в российском переводе - «НеoПoпРеализм Старз: Искусство 21 Столетия«, 2-я часть. Также продается 1-ая часть - ISBN: 9781441570857. Теперь Надя Русс живет в США ( ).