Today women make up 38 percent of the Forest Service's workforce.
Hollywood "It Girl" Betty White - the 88-year-old actress - was thrilled when she was made an honorary Forest Ranger by the U.S. Forest Service in Washington, D.C.
She said: Oh, I wanted to be a forest ranger so much, first thing I ever wanted to be! But girls back then couldn't be forest rangers.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Dj Ashba has joined the band
GN'R NAMES DJ ASHBA AS BAND'S NEWEST AXEMAN. Guns N' Roses is proud to announce that guitarist n' songwriter Dj Ashba has joined the band!
GN'R NAMES DJ ASHBA AS BAND'S NEWEST AXEMAN. Guns N' Roses is proud to announce that guitarist n' songwriter Dj Ashba has joined the band!
Seeing Red: Why the 'Harry Potter' Stars Wore Red Flowers
While fans of the "Harry Potter" series headed to the Web to catch the London red carpet premiere of the latest movie, other folk wondered why these actors wore matching red poppy boutonnieres. Daniel Radcliffe (21), Emma Watson (20), and Rupert Grint (22) - they play Harry Potter and his best friends, Hermione and Ron, all donned the red blooms. These guys were joined by attendees Ralph Fiennes and Tom Felton and J.K. Rowling. Not just because they looked dapper, the flowers have a special meaning in Britain. It was Remembrance Day, or Poppy Day in the U.K.
NeoPopRealism creator and juror Nadia Russ annouced WINNERS of 5th NeoPopRealism Starz International Art Competition
NeoPopRealism Journal (, 2010 wrote:
1st Place Winner: Thomas Nelson (USA). The statement from totally paralized artist, who uses blinking to create his artwork, Thomas Nelson's website: “We live in a time in which advances in computer technology are creating exciting new opportunities for thousands of people who experience debilitating paralysis from disease and injury each year. No longer does physical disability have to mean a life of isolation and despair. Today, even the most severely disabled of us are using computers equipped with assistive technology to communicate with the people we encounter in our daily lives, stay connected with family and friends, manage our personal affairs, work, create, and attend school…”
Thomas Nelson was diagnosed with ALS. He couldn’t walk, he used a chair. His arms became weak and he couldn’t work as a professional musician any more. He wrote and with the help of friends self published a music instruction book. He couldn’t operate a keyboard, and he did the writing with speech recognition software. When he lost the ability to speak, he started using his current system which involves a small infrared sensor that clips to his glasses and responds to tiny facial movements…
Two years ago, Thomas Nelson discovered digital art, his new passion. “While my drawings may appear simplistic to some,” he said, “I believe in the universal truth that less is more and that much can be said with a few simple lines...”
Thomas Nelson was born in El Centro, California. “My formative years were spent in
northwest Colorado. It was there that I began drawing,” he said to the NeoPopRealism Journal. “My artistic inspiration came from Mad Magazine and Pogo. For the bulk of my time there, however, I studied girls, cars, having fun, and an emerging art form called rock and roll.” He was rescued from a wasted life of excessive merriment by the Vietnam War. “After that highly regrettable experience I used the G.I. Bill to earn a masters degree in psychology from Illinois State University,” Thomas continues. “For the next 27 years I taught psychology to under graduates during the day and performed with the folk pop trio the Flying DRito Brothers nights and weekends.” When he was completely paralyzed, he was in desperate need of a creative outlet, it was digital art…
Today, Thomas Nelson not starting any long-term projects. He “figures any day above ground is a good day.” In the short run, he’d like to earn enough from his art and writing to rent a place of his own and purchase an accessible cargo van to haul his art to the shows and exhibitions.
“Artwork of Thomas Nelson is simple as truth and beautiful in its simplicity. It was created by artist in a state of total paralyzing. But no matter how difficult and complicated today Thomas’ life is, his work carries the innovative and artistic spirit and energy of inspiration…” Juror Nadia Russ said. Visit Thomas Nelson website at , contact artist: through his website form at
2nd Place Winner: Talieh Vafamehr (IRAN) was born in 1985 in Tehran. She studied mathematics at high school but she loved painting and continued her education in painting at Sooreh University of Tehran. She graduated from Sooreh University summer, 2009.
Even as a child, Talieh Vafamehr saw the painting as a way to express her feelings and ideas about different issues in life. “I remember that my room was like a little painting exhibition!” She said to the NeoPopRealism Journal. “Art is the best and complete way for me to reach the self knowledge, so I prefer it to any other occupations. My personal life and my society inspire me more than anything else. The life experiences have the great influence on my works, sometimes my feelings about some events reflect in my painting…” Talieh Vafamehr said that most of the NeoPopRealism canons are the special dreams of many people and the aims of most of us. But about number 4, she thinks anyone is free to believe in any ideology or philosophy. But Talieh thinks that any extremist ideology can be destructive.
“Society and politics appear in different ways in artists life. Some artists may withdraw and give up their artistic activity once they face with obstacles. But others trying to find a suitable solutions. Political strategies also affect publishing of art works, but persistence and keenness of artist help to continue produce. Dogmatic thinking can affect everything and tragic subjects or Critical themes would be seen more in artist’s artworks to challenge it. I face special events, news or opinions in my society. And as a result, these parameters have developed sad, timid, hopeful or chill characters in my paintings. When I experience some social events, positive or negative, personal or general, they fillip me unconsciously to find the new issues for painting, and it deepens my thought and makes my mind more active. Then, I can find special tone for my work…”
Social and human interactions help Talieh to achieve new possibilities for creating her art works. This process enhances creativity. She thinks that artist can change society; “in turn, society can make groundwork for artist too. Artistic existence is a reciprocal inseparable relation between artist and society.”
To the question “what is your ideal of the perfect society?” Thaieh said: “I don’t believe in utopia but society whose culture of conversation and exchanging ideas has formed in it definitely will be an improved society, where people can live in peace and feel liberty and security. This society respects all humans regardless of their race, color or religion.”
To the question “If you would be in a power, how you would improve the world?“ Talieh Vafamehr said: “I’d try to find some direct ways to people’s hearts, so that maybe they would tend to peace and humanity. Our soul is so valuable gift, whatever it becomes stronger; more good results for us and our world will make. Sociology and psychology science help people to achieve this purpose better. Also, I use these words of Mahatma Gandhi to complete my answer - he said: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world.""
Also, Talieh said that if she can open new window to viewer’s mind through her art, she has done a significant work. Art is the enormous power.
“Art works of Talieh Vafamehr carry artistic flavor of 21st century and reflect its problems and concerns. Often sad, they contain the hope and power to change the world to a better place,” Juror Nadia Russ said.
Find more of Talieh Vafamehr artwork and contact her at
3rd Place Winner: Francine Douaihy (USA) was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and studied art (B.S. Degree) at Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA and a Masters degree in art education from the University of Scranton. She has also done graduate work at Rutgers University and Penn State University. After teaching art for 33 years in the Scranton Public School system, she retired in 2004 and instantaneously began photography full time. “My inspiration in life is to live each day to the fullest
and explore the profound relationship between art and man, Also, to connect my view of the world through art and transmit that view to my fellow earthlings internationally,” she said to the NeoPopRealism Journal. “When I take a photo, in that nano second of taking the picture, I want my eye and brain to see the scene, then transmit that scene to the viewer, freezing that moment. Its miraculous, transcending and magical!”
One of goals for her photos, she said, is to show our world from a different perspective - tiny, mundane, everyday sights that maybe most people don’t even notice and then showing them as artistic images. “A crack in a New York City sidewalk or a fading, peeling poster on a NYC wall, a broken window with mud slung on its panes, a neon sign that glows the word "OPEN"- all these have huge artistic implications for me,” she said. “Art is everywhere. Art is life. It will be here long after we are gone.“
Another goal of Francine is to travel throughout the world and again transmit to people throughout the world, places they might not necessarily ever travel. She said: “I can show to people a vignette of a day in a London park (“Margot’s World“), the modern architecture of The National Gallery of Canada, the one of a kind Canadian sunset, or the simple beauty of a 1600s Moravian town in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania...“ Recently, Francine won a Gold medal in Color Magazines for Fine Art Photography Single Image Competition 2010. There were 15 gold medals awarded out of over 2000 images. Her photograph "Rainy Sunday in New York" depicts a mysterious, dark, awesome yet melancholy metropolis. It is a unmanipulated and raw shot - the background is a fuzzy, faded view of the Empire State Building in the distance.
Francine would like to spread her art around the globe, in magazines and exhibitions. Her dream is to visit and live in different countries throughout the world to study different cultures, life and architecture, and capture the daily images through her camera lens.
“In her nostalgic photography “Margot’s World,” Francine Douaihy successfully explores relationships between simple but fascinating nature of England and person - Margot, who escaped from the civilization’s urban streets,” juror Nadia Russ said.
Find more of Francine Douaihy work at http:// and contact her through her web site.
Honorable Mention - Per Siwmark (Sweden) was born in Malmö, and studying in Malmö and Lund (Sweden). He decided to be a sculptor because he likes the feeling and to work in 3D, he said. Per’s inspirations come from the ancient history and mythology, he is influenced by art of ancient times and modern design. His goal is to show his sculpture internationally, and to keep finding new techniques for creating his artworks. Per Siwmark said: “Already now my work is unique but I want to take it even further… My biggest dream is to rebuild Pompeii at MOMA.” His next creative project is to build sculptures for the next year show in Rome. Per said to the NeoPopRealism Journal, “I will create sculptures based on the Roman epic poem “The Aeneis” by Virgil. During 2011 I will exhibit my work in Sweden, Italy, USA, Belgium and Finland.” Per Siwmark lives and works as a full time sculptor in a small town called Bjärred, 20 km north of Malmö, Sweden.
“Artwork TYNDAREUS by Per Siwmark invites viewer to the fascinating past, with images of greatest old masters. This journey can be both inspirational and motivational…” Juror Nadia Russ said.
Find more about Per Siwmark and his contact information in his web site at
1st Place Winner: Thomas Nelson (USA). The statement from totally paralized artist, who uses blinking to create his artwork, Thomas Nelson's website: “We live in a time in which advances in computer technology are creating exciting new opportunities for thousands of people who experience debilitating paralysis from disease and injury each year. No longer does physical disability have to mean a life of isolation and despair. Today, even the most severely disabled of us are using computers equipped with assistive technology to communicate with the people we encounter in our daily lives, stay connected with family and friends, manage our personal affairs, work, create, and attend school…”
Thomas Nelson was diagnosed with ALS. He couldn’t walk, he used a chair. His arms became weak and he couldn’t work as a professional musician any more. He wrote and with the help of friends self published a music instruction book. He couldn’t operate a keyboard, and he did the writing with speech recognition software. When he lost the ability to speak, he started using his current system which involves a small infrared sensor that clips to his glasses and responds to tiny facial movements…
Two years ago, Thomas Nelson discovered digital art, his new passion. “While my drawings may appear simplistic to some,” he said, “I believe in the universal truth that less is more and that much can be said with a few simple lines...”
Thomas Nelson was born in El Centro, California. “My formative years were spent in
northwest Colorado. It was there that I began drawing,” he said to the NeoPopRealism Journal. “My artistic inspiration came from Mad Magazine and Pogo. For the bulk of my time there, however, I studied girls, cars, having fun, and an emerging art form called rock and roll.” He was rescued from a wasted life of excessive merriment by the Vietnam War. “After that highly regrettable experience I used the G.I. Bill to earn a masters degree in psychology from Illinois State University,” Thomas continues. “For the next 27 years I taught psychology to under graduates during the day and performed with the folk pop trio the Flying DRito Brothers nights and weekends.” When he was completely paralyzed, he was in desperate need of a creative outlet, it was digital art…
Today, Thomas Nelson not starting any long-term projects. He “figures any day above ground is a good day.” In the short run, he’d like to earn enough from his art and writing to rent a place of his own and purchase an accessible cargo van to haul his art to the shows and exhibitions.
“Artwork of Thomas Nelson is simple as truth and beautiful in its simplicity. It was created by artist in a state of total paralyzing. But no matter how difficult and complicated today Thomas’ life is, his work carries the innovative and artistic spirit and energy of inspiration…” Juror Nadia Russ said. Visit Thomas Nelson website at , contact artist: through his website form at
2nd Place Winner: Talieh Vafamehr (IRAN) was born in 1985 in Tehran. She studied mathematics at high school but she loved painting and continued her education in painting at Sooreh University of Tehran. She graduated from Sooreh University summer, 2009.
Even as a child, Talieh Vafamehr saw the painting as a way to express her feelings and ideas about different issues in life. “I remember that my room was like a little painting exhibition!” She said to the NeoPopRealism Journal. “Art is the best and complete way for me to reach the self knowledge, so I prefer it to any other occupations. My personal life and my society inspire me more than anything else. The life experiences have the great influence on my works, sometimes my feelings about some events reflect in my painting…” Talieh Vafamehr said that most of the NeoPopRealism canons are the special dreams of many people and the aims of most of us. But about number 4, she thinks anyone is free to believe in any ideology or philosophy. But Talieh thinks that any extremist ideology can be destructive.
“Society and politics appear in different ways in artists life. Some artists may withdraw and give up their artistic activity once they face with obstacles. But others trying to find a suitable solutions. Political strategies also affect publishing of art works, but persistence and keenness of artist help to continue produce. Dogmatic thinking can affect everything and tragic subjects or Critical themes would be seen more in artist’s artworks to challenge it. I face special events, news or opinions in my society. And as a result, these parameters have developed sad, timid, hopeful or chill characters in my paintings. When I experience some social events, positive or negative, personal or general, they fillip me unconsciously to find the new issues for painting, and it deepens my thought and makes my mind more active. Then, I can find special tone for my work…”
Social and human interactions help Talieh to achieve new possibilities for creating her art works. This process enhances creativity. She thinks that artist can change society; “in turn, society can make groundwork for artist too. Artistic existence is a reciprocal inseparable relation between artist and society.”
To the question “what is your ideal of the perfect society?” Thaieh said: “I don’t believe in utopia but society whose culture of conversation and exchanging ideas has formed in it definitely will be an improved society, where people can live in peace and feel liberty and security. This society respects all humans regardless of their race, color or religion.”
To the question “If you would be in a power, how you would improve the world?“ Talieh Vafamehr said: “I’d try to find some direct ways to people’s hearts, so that maybe they would tend to peace and humanity. Our soul is so valuable gift, whatever it becomes stronger; more good results for us and our world will make. Sociology and psychology science help people to achieve this purpose better. Also, I use these words of Mahatma Gandhi to complete my answer - he said: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world.""
Also, Talieh said that if she can open new window to viewer’s mind through her art, she has done a significant work. Art is the enormous power.
“Art works of Talieh Vafamehr carry artistic flavor of 21st century and reflect its problems and concerns. Often sad, they contain the hope and power to change the world to a better place,” Juror Nadia Russ said.
Find more of Talieh Vafamehr artwork and contact her at
3rd Place Winner: Francine Douaihy (USA) was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and studied art (B.S. Degree) at Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA and a Masters degree in art education from the University of Scranton. She has also done graduate work at Rutgers University and Penn State University. After teaching art for 33 years in the Scranton Public School system, she retired in 2004 and instantaneously began photography full time. “My inspiration in life is to live each day to the fullest
and explore the profound relationship between art and man, Also, to connect my view of the world through art and transmit that view to my fellow earthlings internationally,” she said to the NeoPopRealism Journal. “When I take a photo, in that nano second of taking the picture, I want my eye and brain to see the scene, then transmit that scene to the viewer, freezing that moment. Its miraculous, transcending and magical!”
One of goals for her photos, she said, is to show our world from a different perspective - tiny, mundane, everyday sights that maybe most people don’t even notice and then showing them as artistic images. “A crack in a New York City sidewalk or a fading, peeling poster on a NYC wall, a broken window with mud slung on its panes, a neon sign that glows the word "OPEN"- all these have huge artistic implications for me,” she said. “Art is everywhere. Art is life. It will be here long after we are gone.“
Another goal of Francine is to travel throughout the world and again transmit to people throughout the world, places they might not necessarily ever travel. She said: “I can show to people a vignette of a day in a London park (“Margot’s World“), the modern architecture of The National Gallery of Canada, the one of a kind Canadian sunset, or the simple beauty of a 1600s Moravian town in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania...“ Recently, Francine won a Gold medal in Color Magazines for Fine Art Photography Single Image Competition 2010. There were 15 gold medals awarded out of over 2000 images. Her photograph "Rainy Sunday in New York" depicts a mysterious, dark, awesome yet melancholy metropolis. It is a unmanipulated and raw shot - the background is a fuzzy, faded view of the Empire State Building in the distance.
Francine would like to spread her art around the globe, in magazines and exhibitions. Her dream is to visit and live in different countries throughout the world to study different cultures, life and architecture, and capture the daily images through her camera lens.
“In her nostalgic photography “Margot’s World,” Francine Douaihy successfully explores relationships between simple but fascinating nature of England and person - Margot, who escaped from the civilization’s urban streets,” juror Nadia Russ said.
Find more of Francine Douaihy work at http:// and contact her through her web site.
Honorable Mention - Per Siwmark (Sweden) was born in Malmö, and studying in Malmö and Lund (Sweden). He decided to be a sculptor because he likes the feeling and to work in 3D, he said. Per’s inspirations come from the ancient history and mythology, he is influenced by art of ancient times and modern design. His goal is to show his sculpture internationally, and to keep finding new techniques for creating his artworks. Per Siwmark said: “Already now my work is unique but I want to take it even further… My biggest dream is to rebuild Pompeii at MOMA.” His next creative project is to build sculptures for the next year show in Rome. Per said to the NeoPopRealism Journal, “I will create sculptures based on the Roman epic poem “The Aeneis” by Virgil. During 2011 I will exhibit my work in Sweden, Italy, USA, Belgium and Finland.” Per Siwmark lives and works as a full time sculptor in a small town called Bjärred, 20 km north of Malmö, Sweden.
“Artwork TYNDAREUS by Per Siwmark invites viewer to the fascinating past, with images of greatest old masters. This journey can be both inspirational and motivational…” Juror Nadia Russ said.
Find more about Per Siwmark and his contact information in his web site at
Josh Groban Dishes On His New Album and Love Life: 'I Am A Single Man'
The talented Josh Groban stopped by Access Hollywood Live on Friday to chat about his new album, "Illuminations," he revealed the thwm a fact that is sure to thrill the ladies. He is single.
He said that he is a single man at the moment, yes. New album's gonna get him a girlfriend, he said.
The 29-year-old smooth-voiced sensation, he has sold more than 20 million albums worldwide, wrote 11 of 13 songs on his new album, he said that the self-penned tracks were largely inspired by his personal experiences.
Five of the 13 songs are about John Mayer, Josh joked.
These songs are kind of personal, he said. This was a three-year period where very specific moments in his life very much triggered these kinds of songs. Josh worked with mega-producer Rick Rubin on "Illuminations".
He said that he is a single man at the moment, yes. New album's gonna get him a girlfriend, he said.
The 29-year-old smooth-voiced sensation, he has sold more than 20 million albums worldwide, wrote 11 of 13 songs on his new album, he said that the self-penned tracks were largely inspired by his personal experiences.
Five of the 13 songs are about John Mayer, Josh joked.
These songs are kind of personal, he said. This was a three-year period where very specific moments in his life very much triggered these kinds of songs. Josh worked with mega-producer Rick Rubin on "Illuminations".
Julien Hug's Suicide Note Read Aloud at Funeral
Former Bachelorette contestant Julien Hug was laid to rest in San Diego, California. The restaurateur took his own life November 3 with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His body was found off a remote highway in the Southern California desert that same day. Hundreds of friends and family members gathered to mourn the loss of Julien, 35, at the Village Church in Rancho Santa Fe, Ca. He was depressed and struggling, and nobody knew, his grieving father Bertrand Hug told.
Julien's suicide note, addressed to his parents:
"I'm sorry to have to do this to you. I love you both tremendously. You two are the best parents. I've suffered from severe depression for years. I feel awful and don't know how to cope. If life's not enjoyable, why stick around?"
Julien's suicide note, addressed to his parents:
"I'm sorry to have to do this to you. I love you both tremendously. You two are the best parents. I've suffered from severe depression for years. I feel awful and don't know how to cope. If life's not enjoyable, why stick around?"
Saturday, September 11, 2010
TIM Allen is plotting a return to TV
TIM Allen is plotting a return to TV. The Home Improvement star is looking for a small-screen project that’ll get him back on the primetime schedules. The actor, 57, has been taking a few select meetings with writer-producers, one of whom may include Greg Daniels of Parks & Recreation and The Office. Home Improvement was on the air from September 17, 1991 until May 25, 1999. Allen recently lent his voice to the Buzz Lightyear character in Toy Story 3.
Yana Morgana is claiming that Lady Gaga jacked her deceased daughter style and even more
Yana Morgana is claiming that Lady Gaga jacked her deceased daughter Lina Morgana’s style and even more.
Lina and Gaga were good friends years back, they often recorded music together until Lina committed suicide at the age of 19. Now her mother Yana wants rights to all of the songs the two recorded together before her passing. She wants Gaga to acknowledge that Lina’s dark, edgy style helped created her into the superstar she is today.
She said that she is doing this because she wants to keep her spirit alive. Lady Gaga is holding Lina’s soul, and she want her soul to be free. Yana also went on to add that all of Gaga’s music is based on her daughter's life.
she said tha every word Gaga says is from Lina. She talks about having a dark and tragic life, but she had everything she wanted in the world. She went to the same high school as Nicky Hilton, her parents were rich. But Lina did have a tough life, and she often talked about her tragic life....
Read more:
Lina and Gaga were good friends years back, they often recorded music together until Lina committed suicide at the age of 19. Now her mother Yana wants rights to all of the songs the two recorded together before her passing. She wants Gaga to acknowledge that Lina’s dark, edgy style helped created her into the superstar she is today.
She said that she is doing this because she wants to keep her spirit alive. Lady Gaga is holding Lina’s soul, and she want her soul to be free. Yana also went on to add that all of Gaga’s music is based on her daughter's life.
she said tha every word Gaga says is from Lina. She talks about having a dark and tragic life, but she had everything she wanted in the world. She went to the same high school as Nicky Hilton, her parents were rich. But Lina did have a tough life, and she often talked about her tragic life....
Read more:
Michael Douglas plays tennis and dreams about new amazing role in new film

65-year-old TV/film actor and producer Michael Douglas is battling throat cancer. He says that indulging in a particular guilty pleasure is helping him cope with his disease and get through the early stages of treatment.
Douglas said cancer couldn’t have picked a better time. Tennis has never been better, college football just started and it’s been a great weekend of college football.He has got a Monday-night game coming up with the Jets, so sports looks really good. And to top it off, Douglas has a picture that’s rocking...
Douglas iis upbeat and chatty, and while the radiation and chemotherapy have left him fatigued, they haven’t slowed him down too much.
Douglas told he remains optimistic and isn’t focusing on the negatives. He is just taking it a day at a time and trying to do his homework with the program and rest. It’s just another chapter, and he has had a pretty good run of it. This has been a pretty bad year but topped off with a really good movie.
In the film, opening September 24/2010 and costarring Shia LaBeouf, Carey Mulligan, Susan Sarandon and Josh Brolin, Douglas reprises his Oscar-winning role as money-driven corporate raider Gordon Gekko. He said that it’s probably the role that he gets most recognized with. It’s a beautifully written role, and it’s what he dreams about...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Художник Надя Русс - Надежда Mалолетнева
Художник Надя Русс (Надежда Mалолетнева, род. 13 декабря 1959 года в Конотопе, Yкраина) - создатель нового направления в искусстве под названием «НеоПопРеализм». После многих лет проживания в Москве, в 1996-м она переехала на Багамы, a с 2000-го живет в США. Надя Русс начала выставлять свои работы в художественных галереях Москвы в 1989-м, и уже тогда в галерее «Акция», на улице Герцена, ее работы экспонировались (1989-1990) с работами всемирно известной звезды русского андерграудного искусства, «неофициала» Анатолия Зверева. Tогда же ее работы были выставлены в таких главных залах России, как Манеж и Московский Дом Художника.
Ее художественные работы были выставлены в Европе, Соединенных Штатах и на Карибах. Hесколько европейских и американских художественных музеев приобрели ее картины (холсты и рисунки) в свои постоянные коллекции. Tак, австрийский музей MOYA, что в Вене, имеет холсты, принадлежащих кисти художницы - «Summer» и «My Pink City», а также две ее графические работы из серии «Luxury Cars» (2006). Yкраинский музей в Нью-Йорке имеет ее холсты - «Little Orange Girl in a Pink City», «Aces & Faces» и известную «Queen of Magic».
НеоПопРеализм, новое направление в в изобразительном искусстве, был объявлен Надей Русс в 2003-м (CШA), тогда она создала концепт стиля и cлово НеоПопРеализм. Hо ее первые художественные работы, выполненные в этом стиле, появились в начале 90-ых. Tак один из ее первых НеоПопРеалистических холстов - "Влюбленный", который теперь находится в постоянном собрании Музея Конотопа на Украине, был создан в начале 90-ых. B 2004-м она объявила 10 NeoPopRealism канонов.
B 2009-2010 Надей Русс в США были изданы на английском языке две книги, в которые она включила статью "НеоПопРеализм Evolution" - ISBN: 9781441570857 и ISBN 9781450049955, с описанием нового стиля с новой формулой для работы и художественные работы нескольких художников. Книги Нади Русс приобретаются библиотеками различных учебных заведений. K примеру, художественным институтом Детройта (CШA) и другими.
В 2007-м ею был основан НеоПопРеализм журнал он-лайн с целью популяризации нового стиля. A в 2008 основан "НеоПопРеализм Cтарз" интернациональный художественный конкурс, миссия которого - поддержать и продвинуть талантливых художников со всех континентов. Cреди участников и победителей конкурса, где Надя Русс в Жюри, профессора ведущих художественных учебных заведений - университетов CШA: Pete Herzfeld - профессор в Frostburg University (C.Ш.A), Sigmund Abeles - The Art Students League of New York (CШA) и другие. The Art Students League of New York, одно из самых престижных учебных художественных заведений мира (oно регулярно издает журнал «LINEA»).
«Hью-Йорк Aртс» писал о Наде Русс: «…Her compositions are harmonious but at the same time challenging, sometimes with “pop your eyes out” color combinations, sometimes with the subject matter. She came up with a term Neopoprealism to describe her work. Her brightly colored canvases with flat linear rendering are reminiscent of the psychedelic posters of Peter Max… Nadia is a master of balancing the hi energy colors in her compositions with poetic drawing style…” Что в переводе: «…Ее композиции гармоничны, и в то же время испытывающие вас иногда oчень резкими цветовыми coчетаниями, иногда тематикой. Она пришла к термину Неопопреализм, чтобы oхарактеризовать cвoи работы. Ее яркие холcты с плоcким линейным предоставлением напоминают о психоделических работах Питера Макса… Надя является мастером балансирования высокой энергии цвета, находящемcя в coчетании с поэтическим стилем рисунка…».
Xудожественная карьера Нади Русс освещалась во многиx aвторитетныx издaнияx: газетами «Mосковский Xудожник» (oрган Coюза Xудожников), «Mосковский Kомсомолец», «Вечерний Kлуб», «Литературным Базаром» - приложением к «Литературной Газете» (ее графика и рассказы), «Hью-Йорк Дейли-Hьюc», «Hью-Йорк Aртс», а так же телевидением и многочисленными другими газетами Yкраины, Багам, Pоссии и CШA.
Cоздание нового направления в искусстве под названием ]«НеоПопРеализм", стиль объедивнил яркость и простоту Поп Арта и глубину реализма, оживило мир современного искусства. B 2008-м обозначился быстрый рост НеоПопРеалистического движения, о чем свидетельствуют работы Aмериканских и Eвропейских ученых.
Ее художественные работы были выставлены в Европе, Соединенных Штатах и на Карибах. Hесколько европейских и американских художественных музеев приобрели ее картины (холсты и рисунки) в свои постоянные коллекции. Tак, австрийский музей MOYA, что в Вене, имеет холсты, принадлежащих кисти художницы - «Summer» и «My Pink City», а также две ее графические работы из серии «Luxury Cars» (2006). Yкраинский музей в Нью-Йорке имеет ее холсты - «Little Orange Girl in a Pink City», «Aces & Faces» и известную «Queen of Magic».
НеоПопРеализм, новое направление в в изобразительном искусстве, был объявлен Надей Русс в 2003-м (CШA), тогда она создала концепт стиля и cлово НеоПопРеализм. Hо ее первые художественные работы, выполненные в этом стиле, появились в начале 90-ых. Tак один из ее первых НеоПопРеалистических холстов - "Влюбленный", который теперь находится в постоянном собрании Музея Конотопа на Украине, был создан в начале 90-ых. B 2004-м она объявила 10 NeoPopRealism канонов.
B 2009-2010 Надей Русс в США были изданы на английском языке две книги, в которые она включила статью "НеоПопРеализм Evolution" - ISBN: 9781441570857 и ISBN 9781450049955, с описанием нового стиля с новой формулой для работы и художественные работы нескольких художников. Книги Нади Русс приобретаются библиотеками различных учебных заведений. K примеру, художественным институтом Детройта (CШA) и другими.
В 2007-м ею был основан НеоПопРеализм журнал он-лайн с целью популяризации нового стиля. A в 2008 основан "НеоПопРеализм Cтарз" интернациональный художественный конкурс, миссия которого - поддержать и продвинуть талантливых художников со всех континентов. Cреди участников и победителей конкурса, где Надя Русс в Жюри, профессора ведущих художественных учебных заведений - университетов CШA: Pete Herzfeld - профессор в Frostburg University (C.Ш.A), Sigmund Abeles - The Art Students League of New York (CШA) и другие. The Art Students League of New York, одно из самых престижных учебных художественных заведений мира (oно регулярно издает журнал «LINEA»).
«Hью-Йорк Aртс» писал о Наде Русс: «…Her compositions are harmonious but at the same time challenging, sometimes with “pop your eyes out” color combinations, sometimes with the subject matter. She came up with a term Neopoprealism to describe her work. Her brightly colored canvases with flat linear rendering are reminiscent of the psychedelic posters of Peter Max… Nadia is a master of balancing the hi energy colors in her compositions with poetic drawing style…” Что в переводе: «…Ее композиции гармоничны, и в то же время испытывающие вас иногда oчень резкими цветовыми coчетаниями, иногда тематикой. Она пришла к термину Неопопреализм, чтобы oхарактеризовать cвoи работы. Ее яркие холcты с плоcким линейным предоставлением напоминают о психоделических работах Питера Макса… Надя является мастером балансирования высокой энергии цвета, находящемcя в coчетании с поэтическим стилем рисунка…».
Xудожественная карьера Нади Русс освещалась во многиx aвторитетныx издaнияx: газетами «Mосковский Xудожник» (oрган Coюза Xудожников), «Mосковский Kомсомолец», «Вечерний Kлуб», «Литературным Базаром» - приложением к «Литературной Газете» (ее графика и рассказы), «Hью-Йорк Дейли-Hьюc», «Hью-Йорк Aртс», а так же телевидением и многочисленными другими газетами Yкраины, Багам, Pоссии и CШA.
Cоздание нового направления в искусстве под названием ]«НеоПопРеализм", стиль объедивнил яркость и простоту Поп Арта и глубину реализма, оживило мир современного искусства. B 2008-м обозначился быстрый рост НеоПопРеалистического движения, о чем свидетельствуют работы Aмериканских и Eвропейских ученых.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Diddy's $360,000 Birthday Gift To Son
Diddy is making a bit of Father's Day news after the Friday night airing of his interview with Nightline's Martin Bashir. While Bashir covered a lot of ground with Diddy, discussing his new movie - Get Him To The Greek - and his life, music, fashion, television mogul, and the NBA Finals, the most fascinationg part of this was Bashir's questioning about fatherhood.
Diddy gave his son Justin a birthday gift - a Maybach car that worth more than $360,000.
Bashir asked Diddy what many people wanted to know, "Do you think it was appropriate to buy your 16-year-old son a Maybach car worth almost $400,000?"
-Absolutely! Enjoy, Justin your gift!
Diddy gave his son Justin a birthday gift - a Maybach car that worth more than $360,000.
Bashir asked Diddy what many people wanted to know, "Do you think it was appropriate to buy your 16-year-old son a Maybach car worth almost $400,000?"
-Absolutely! Enjoy, Justin your gift!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Amazing Facts Published in a Book NeoPopRealism Starz: 21st Century ART", by Nadia Russ, 2nd Vol
Recently a book related to the world erotic art was published where NeoPopRealism creator artist Nadia Russ (a.k.a. Nadejda Maloletneva) reveals the facts of her biography. Readers will learn such unknown till today fact as... Nadia Russ was raped by Russian Congressman Sergei Lushchikov, who visited her when she was preparing an interiew with him for the "Russian Justice" magazine. Several months later, he took a position of the Minister of Justice in Russia. . .
“On January 16, 1991, the new Soviet Minister of Justice, Sergei Lushchikov, divulged what had hitherto been a state secret: statistics on death sentences. Lushchikov gave this five-year breakdown on imposition of the death penalty: 1985 - 770, including 20 pardons; 1986 - 526, with 41 pardons, and 1987- 344, with 47 pardons. Lushchikov said most death sentences had been imposed for rape and premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances.” From book "Glastnost in Jeopardy: Human Rights in the USSR", Helsinki Watch Report.
(Currently, Lushchikov is the Adviser of the President on legal questions in Federal Notarial Chamber of the Russian Federation, professor, and also the Member of the Moscow Regional Branch of Association of Lawyers of Russia.)
This book "NeoPopealism Starz: 21st Century Art", 2nd Vol. by Nadia Russ published 15 of March, 2010 in English, in the U.S. and is available in stores online -- and .
The book included Nadia Russ' artwork and artwork from several other artists. ISNB: 9781450049955 - NeoPopRealism Starz: 21st Century ART, 2nd Volume.
Also, 1st Volume is available in the same stores: ISBN: 9781441570857.
Currently, Nadia Russ ( lives in the U.S.
“On January 16, 1991, the new Soviet Minister of Justice, Sergei Lushchikov, divulged what had hitherto been a state secret: statistics on death sentences. Lushchikov gave this five-year breakdown on imposition of the death penalty: 1985 - 770, including 20 pardons; 1986 - 526, with 41 pardons, and 1987- 344, with 47 pardons. Lushchikov said most death sentences had been imposed for rape and premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances.” From book "Glastnost in Jeopardy: Human Rights in the USSR", Helsinki Watch Report.
(Currently, Lushchikov is the Adviser of the President on legal questions in Federal Notarial Chamber of the Russian Federation, professor, and also the Member of the Moscow Regional Branch of Association of Lawyers of Russia.)
This book "NeoPopealism Starz: 21st Century Art", 2nd Vol. by Nadia Russ published 15 of March, 2010 in English, in the U.S. and is available in stores online -- and .
The book included Nadia Russ' artwork and artwork from several other artists. ISNB: 9781450049955 - NeoPopRealism Starz: 21st Century ART, 2nd Volume.
Also, 1st Volume is available in the same stores: ISBN: 9781441570857.
Currently, Nadia Russ ( lives in the U.S.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
"America's Got Talent"
"America's Got Talent" is back with a new crop of misfits and future stars vying for a shot at $1 million. Season 5 kicked off with auditions in LA and in Dallas. There was a big change at the judges' comppany. David Hasselhoff was gone. Howie may have stolen the spotlight on a few occasions, telling the judge Piers Morgan to shut up on at least one occasion. But for the most part, it was the talent and the untalented that really stood out.
Who knew the new faces of dance would be so cute? 9-year-old Bailey Munoz, a.k.a. Bailrok, and his 5-year-old partner, Miles Baby Boogaloo Brown formed a dance team called Future FunK. These little guys had big plans for their future million-dollar winnings. Bailey wanted to buy a lot of toys. The duo presented their own version of the history of dance, with the robot, break, and even ballroom. They delivered Howie's first WOW! moment and GOT the first tickets to Las Vegas this season.
Who knew the new faces of dance would be so cute? 9-year-old Bailey Munoz, a.k.a. Bailrok, and his 5-year-old partner, Miles Baby Boogaloo Brown formed a dance team called Future FunK. These little guys had big plans for their future million-dollar winnings. Bailey wanted to buy a lot of toys. The duo presented their own version of the history of dance, with the robot, break, and even ballroom. They delivered Howie's first WOW! moment and GOT the first tickets to Las Vegas this season.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Juror Nadia Russ Announced Winners of 4th Int'l NeoPopRealism Starz Art Competition: Blair Barbour, Sigmund Abeles, John Alcock, Claudette Losier

In the beginning of 2010, the NeoPopRealism creator and Juror Nadia Russ announced Winners of 4th NeoPopRealism Starz International Art Competition online. Artists from USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Bahrain, UK, and other countries submitted their work of all mediums and styles.
And WINNERS are: 1st Place: Blair Barbour (PA, USA), 2nd Place: Sigmund Abeles (NYC, USA), 3rd Place: John Alcock (Australia), Honorable Mention: Claudette Losier (Canada).
Art was always a big part of Blair Barbour's (1st Place Winner) childhood. She said to the NeoPopRealism Journal, “My art career started in high school when I received a national art award from the United States Achievement Academy. I got started showing my artwork in art events and galleries early in life with the support of my parents - my mother is an artist - and went to college and got a degree in Fine Art, receiving the Marion-Ebert Wolle Scholarship.”
Blair Barbour thinks that the most exciting thing about this profession - artist - is creating the artwork itself.
"The medium I use doesn’t allow me to see the piece until the very end for two reasons: I work backwards, starting with the most basic background details and finishing with the top layers and waiting for the acrylic medium to dry letting the art reveal itself,” she said. “I love showing my work and sharing it with the world. There is nothing better than doing what you love as your "job" and, I hope, to inspire others to chase their dreams.” Blair gets her inspiration from “every day life, exciting moments in time might be lost otherwise. I like taking those moments and spending days bringing them to the surface. The little details in life are the most valuable, so don’t miss them!” To the question what she thinks about experimenting in art, Blair Barbour said, “This is such a large question! I believe that visual arts are a form of therapy, expression of the soul, one of the greatest gifts given to every human, and, I hope, each one will utilize that talent in some way. Experimenting is what life is all about and I will continue to experiment and grow with my art, to inspire and give back. Experimenting in visual arts is my life and my duty because art has been the one truth that has pulled us through history and reveals its secrets. Without art and experimentation our world would be a dark, boring place.” Blair Barbour is from a blended family with five sisters and four parents. Her family consists of musicians, writers and artists. Blair’s mother is an exhibiting artist and teacher. Her step-mother was an artist who was always trying new things and showing to Blair how to do them. Art and music have always been around and the support of Blair Barbour’s parents has been the driving force in following her dreams.
“I am living my main dream, and on the path to accomplishing more of my dreams,” Blair said, and continues: “My main dream is to share my visual art with the world’s eyes, next - to share my writing with the world’s ears, and then - to share my future yoga studio with the world’s souls.”
“Blair Barbour’s artwork 'Moulin Rouge' is harmonic and courageous in her choices. She is experimenting with the medium, adding to her technique her talent and spirit,” juror Nadia Russ said.
For many years, Sigmund Abeles was teaching art and continues sharing his great talent with new generations of artists at The Art Students League of New York..
Juror Nadia Russ said about his work, “Sigmund Abeles’s artwork Parasomniac (Self-Portrait) is all about depth and emotionally touching theme. Its color combination and composition (perfect choice) are catching viewers’ attention and asking for emotional respond.”
He said to the NeoPopRealism Journal, “I think the gift to be given the chance to express oneself as an artist is great in the pleasure it can bring and the responsibility it carries. One is not creative, but one is born that way, with a burning desire to do so. One’s creativity should not be an expression of the ego, but an expression the very soul of the artist.”
John Alcock’s aim is to make the world a better place - at least one person, to help people to see the environment in a different way and “to have a healthy respect for our planet.” “I am often blown away by people’s creative inspiration,” he says. “We should always
strive to be the best person we can be at any given time. In the arts, we should be always attempting to extend ourselves.”
Currently, John Alcock working full time as an artists in the state of Victoria, spending some time with his teenage son.
“John Alcock’s artwork ‘Victoria Spring’ is celebration of beauty, it carries strong positive energy and inspired by Australian nature. John brings his happy fascination on his canvas, creating shapes, and using bright, high energy colors,” juror Nadia Russ said.

When international art competitions, such as NeoPopRealism Starz, bring professional artists from all over the world together, it is an enjoyable experience for everyone. It includes the deep cultural exchange with learning about achievements of each participant. This fascinating collaboration makes artists richer on ideas, giving lots of inspiration for future work.
May, 2010
All Images Are Copyrighted by Artists 2010 Any Type of Reproduction Is Prohibited
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Books, Rapes, Arts and NeoPopRealism... "NeoPopRealism Starz: 21st Century ART, 2nd Vol., Erotica As A High Artistic Aspiration, ISBN: 978-1450049955
Book NeoPopRealism Starz: 21st Century ART, 2nd Volume, Erotica As a High Artistic Aspiration by Nadia Russ is a comprehensive source of information about erotic art (not to be confused with porn or sex). It includes many important facts on erotic art from the Medieval Period, Middle Ages and Renaissance, and includes over 82 contemporary, erotica related artwork with artists' thought about images they created.
This book is an important contribution to the international library of knowledge about erotic art, it is the sophisticated and personal look at this controvercial subject, offered by contemporary artists Nadia Russ, whose over 200 art works are in the permanent collection of Kinsey Institute, Indiana University.
Reader will enjoy the wonderful quality color images of art works from over 25 contemporary artists from all over the world: Jacob El Hanahi, Sigmund Abeles, Paolo Scalera, R. Gopakumar, Joseph Borzotta, Charles Seligman ll, Milan Kuzica, Gilberto Giardini (Germany) and others.
Also, readers will find in the foreword such unknown till today fact as... Nadia Russ was raped by Russian Congressman Sergei Lushchikov, who had visited her when she was preparing an interview with this politician for the "Russian Justice" magazine in Moscow. Few months later, Lushchikov took position of the Minister of Justice in Russia.
Fragment from the book "Glastnost in Jeopardy: Human Rights in the USSR," Helsinki Watch Report:
“On January 16, 1991, the new Soviet Minister of Justice, Sergei Lushchikov, divulged what had hitherto been a state secret: statistics on death sentences. Lushchikov gave this five-year breakdown on imposition of the death penalty: 1985 - 770, including 20 pardons; 1986 - 526, with 41 pardons, and 1987- 344, with 47 pardons. Lushchikov said most death sentences had been imposed for rape and premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances.”
Currently, Lushchikov is the Adviser of the President on legal questions in Federal Notarial Chamber of the Russian Federation, professor, and also the Member of the Moscow Regional Branch of Association of Lawyers of Russia.
Book by Nadia Russ "NeoPopRealism Starz; 21st Century Art", 2nd Volume published 15 of March, 2010 in English in the U.S. and is available in stores online, including and, ISNB: 9781450049955. Also, 1st Volume is available in the same stores - ISBN: 9781441570857.
Недавно в США был изданa книга, в которой в прошлом российская художница Надя Рyсс (в прошлом Надежда Малолетнева) изложила факты своей биографии. Читатель ознакомится с таким неизвестным широкой публике фактом из ее биографии, как... она была изнасилована Депутатом Верховного Совета (в последствии он же был назначен Министром Юстиции) Сергеем Лущиковым, который посетил Надю в ее Московской квартире, когда она готовила интервью с ним для журнала «Российкая Юстиция“…
Эта книга издана 15 марта 2010 года на английском языке и продается в книжных магазинах онлайн по всему миру - на www. и .
Также эта книга содержит Нади Рyсс художественные работы и художественные работы нескольких других художников. ISNB: 9781450049955, название в российском переводе - «НеoПoпРеализм Старз: Искусство 21 Столетия«, 2-я часть. Также продается 1-ая часть - ISBN: 9781441570857. Теперь Надя Русс живет в США ( ).
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